We got snowed on last night. Actually all day yesterday and last night, too. I haven't heard the latest tally but somewhere around 50cm has fallen on the city, adding to the 385+cm which we already had.
My husband said, "Now that was a wicked storm!" Pshaw. That wasn't even a storm, never mind wicked. It was just a rather large-sized snowfall. A storm howls and this one didn't even whimper. It just dumped, very slowly and very attractively, too, I might add.
Here are some pictures taken after we had shovelled ourselves out today. Daughter just came and asked to borrow the car. Teehee. She wouldn't have even contemplated going out if she'd been out shovelling this morning. Youth!

(Above) Our front walk is like a cavern. I have a pic somewhere of me showing just how high these banks are but I'm not posting that. Ha.
(Right) Taken in front of our house showing the unplowed road.
(Bottom) A neighbour shovelling his (or maybe it's her) walk from driveway to front door. You can just see their head above the snow bank.
The Blogger uploader is complaining. Won't upload. More later.