
What a gorgeous place. I had heard the south coast was beautiful, but I wasn't prepared for it to be THIS beautiful. It helped that the sky had not a cloud and the temps were in the high 20s. I started oohing and aahing right at the outset and never stopped until we got back on the highway yesterday afternoon to come home. And even from the road there were vistas that took my breath away.

We waited a bit and a lot of cars started arriving. Had to line up to get into the store which had a front door right out of the 1850's. Wanted to buy one of those little cans of potato salad we used to get years ago. This store looked like it ought to have it. But no. Considered buying a can of Vienna sausage just for old time's sake. Thought of the Maple Leaf listeriosis thing going on. Instead bought granola bars, fruit cups and cheese. Ate in the car.
The ferry to Galtois (pronounced Galtis) and McCallum wasn't at the dock when we were in Hermitage. If it had been, I would have been sorely tempted to make the trip. We were told it costs only $1 if you're over 65 and $1.50 if you're not. However, we didn't want to wait for it and moved on. Next time. (Update: See Note at bottom)
Headed out for Pool's Cove. Highway pavement was red all the way. Sign of something special at the other end?
For sure. The place is extraordinarily beautiful. Spent a lot of time there, walking the streets with the camera. The fog lifted the minute we entered the town and stayed gone the whole time.
Fog rejoined us as we headed for Belleoram and lifted a little when we got there. Another georgeous little town. First things first and found a washroom at a little restaurant. Told the fellow we'd be back for supper. Turned out that the menu had only meat, so I hope he didn't wait up for us.

Sunday, up and out reasonably early. Off to see anything we'd missed the previous two days. So we roamed about the Bay d'Espoir area. Tried to get up to the hydroelectric installation but were stymied at every turn. Two long off-road expeditions (very narrow; very bumpy) were enough for us (and the car) and we gave up. Maybe next time we can pre-arrange a tour of the place, if they still do that in these days of terrorism and all.

I had to go pee in the woods and set off to find a secluded spot. Nearly did myself in by straddling an ant hill, but noticed the buggers crawling over my shoes just at the last minute. Nearly killed myself coming out of there. Had to grab on to alder branches to keep from tumbling out onto the path. I walked back via a very empty beach, and found lots of beach glass - blue included. Turned out that John had gotten worried when I didn't return and had set out to find me. Not sure how we missed each other since I was in full view on the beach and he was walking along the road just by it.

And that was about the end of our travels. We hit the road (Route 360) to head home. 45 km from the Trans Canada Highway, we stopped to pick blueberries. There had been a forest fire there some years ago and the area had grown over with lots of blueberries, as is often the case. John is not a happy picker so he napped in the car while I picked to my heart's delight. The temperature was about 30 degrees so I wasn't at it long. There are some things that even I can't do in heat like that. But I did get enough for a dessert that I'm making for tonight when Jo and Simon come over.
The whole time I was down on the south coast, I had to keep pinching myself. If someone had picked me up and put me down in China, I couldn't have been any more thrilled. I grew up in Newfoundland and had never been south of Grand Falls. Ever. Unless you count Buchans. There was just no road at that time to the south coast. It was by boat or not at all. So just twisting my mind around the fact that I had been there was mind-bending in itself. To find that it was so heart-breakingly beautiful was icing on the cake.
I actually started taking notes for poems during this trip and I haven't done that in a few months. I should go there more often.
Note: Update April 2023: The adult fare for ferry from Hermitage to Galtois is now $2. From Galtois to McCallum: $6.25. From McCallum back to Hermitage: $6.25. Even if you stay in Galtois or McCallum in between trips. All around the circle. Pretty cheap little jaunt. You leave your car in Hermitage so no gas costs.
1 comment:
Hi there, enjoyed your post.
I'm new to NL arriving in St. John's via Toronto.
I'm curious about driving to the South Shore. How are the roads? Is it easy to get to?
Also interested in your comment about Hermitage's prettiness. The pictures look pretty...the view does at least.
What was your favorite town and did you ever manage to eat in a local restaurant?
Also, where is your house? I can't seem to see what town it;s located in. Just trying to guage that driving distance to hermitage.
How's that for a load of questions. LOL.
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