Thursday, January 06, 2005

Inaugural Entry about Inaugural Balls

My first entry of 2005 concenrns balls. Inaugural Balls, to be exact. George Bush's inaugural ball to be specific. It appears that he is about to spent 40 million US dollars (and we all know that a US dollar is bigger than any other dollar -is it minted in Texas?) on his inaugural ball on January 20th.

This is obscene when over 150 thousand people just perished in a tsunami and the survivors will need help for years to come to continue surviving. We're not even talking about bringing their standard of living up to that of George Bush. Simply just putting a roof over their heads again, giving them one square meal a day, with a job to go to and schools to educate their children will take billions of dollars. It baffles me how the leader of the free [cough] world can dance the night away with ladies in designer gowns while so many suffer not even half a world away.

A colleague of mine (I flatter myself by calling her this) has drawn up a petition to the president and was hoping to get it on but alas, they have failed to approve the petition as yet. So... I direct you to the text of her petition at:

Go and pick up the text, print it out and send it to anyone you know who might make a difference. I figure nobody in Washington even knows were Canada is much less cares what a Canadian thinks, so I'm not going to waste my time in sending it. But if you're US-based and reading this, then what are you waiting for. Get out of here and go stand up for the have-nots of the world against the haves. If enough people bring this up, maybe, just maybe, the man will be shamed into at least scaling back his festivities.

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