Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A letter to Peter Mackay

Today I wrote a letter to Peter Mackay, who I believe is the deputy leader of the Conservative Party. I wrote it in frustration at the Conservatives who are threatening to force an election and spend even more of our tax dollars just because they want to be right.

Hello Mr. Mackay,

You seem to be the only voice of reason in the Conservative party during these frenzied days so I am appealing to you, as a very concerned citizen and frustrated taxpayer, to please, please convince Mr. Harper to get down off his high horse and think before he drives this country into another election all because he wants to be right.

Us little guys - otherwise known as ordinary citizens - feel totally helpless when we see what is going on in the halls of power.

Yes, we are totally repulsed by what has gone on under the Liberals. Mr. Gommery is getting to the bottom of that. But we also have no assurance that what has happened under the Liberal mandate didn't previously happen under the P.C. mandate, and all other mandates since Confederation. In other words, to us little guys, it looks like the system is broken. Plain and simple.

What we want and need is someone who will fix the system, not just grab the reins of power of the current broken-down, lice-infested system.

What we want and need is someone who cares enough about this country to make things right - and what better time to effect change than when the opposition has the government on the ropes. Mr. Harper could do so much good for Canada by sitting back, putting on his thinking cap and coming up with solutions for how this country is best governed. For that matter, under a minority government, we could have some of the best government this country has ever seen. All it takes is for people to care more about the country than they do about their political careers.

The prospect of another election when my vote will once again not matter one hoot under the first-past-the-post system, is discouraging, depressing and downright scary.

I would personally like to see the party system disbanded. Let every MP be elected on his or her own merits.

If we can't have that, then, for the sake of all that is fair and decent, then we at least need Proportional Representation. Why is it that neither of the two main parties will espouse that view? Probably because they have too much to loose. The country and democracy is the biggest loser.

Mr. Mackay, please, get your leader to stop screaming media-sound-bites that sound good but mean nothing. Please get him to stop wanting to be right and instead get him to think of Canada first, not his political future. I wrote to him very nicely last week to express my concern for the direction he seemed to be taking. I never even got the courtesy of a reply. This does not auger well for his future as a leader. My letter to him is attached.

A concerned and sad taxpayer.

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