Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good news. Bad news.


The men that were supposed to be moving a house in Stoneville today are not. They are instead working on our house. That's the good news.

The bad news is that there is a shortage of 8" concrete block. We'd have to get them from Clarenville or St. John's if we really wanted them. They were able to get enough for two courses and so the decision was taken yesterday afternoon to build the rest of the foundation out of concrete. So they made the forms for the walls yesterday. Today they are pouring the concrete.

As I understand it, the bottom of the foundation will be poured concrete. The top will consist of the two courses of concrete block. That's because -- again as I understand it and perhaps I don't -- as they get nearer to the bottom of the house, things get fiddlier. They will need room to pull out the rails. Blocks enable this process.

I might just get up the nerve to watch as they lower the house unto [I keep typing unto instead of onto; must be my religious upbringing, ha!] the foundation. Certainly not as nerve-wracking as the lift. Or is it? What could go wrong? Um. Let's not dwell on the negative.

Since John didn't come home for lunch, I imagine things must be in full swing in Hillgrade. Not literally, of course (or should I say, I hope).

So let's see. If they get the foundation poured today, I wonder how long it will be before they lower the house. I guess the concrete has to cure. Probably can't put any weight on it for a few days at least.

Nobody has mentioned the "knee wall" in a while. The original plan (concocted without me) was to build concrete block up to about 2 feet from the bottom of the house, and then put a knee wall (whatever that is) the rest of the way. I have visions of a very ugly facade between the basement and the house.1

I have asked several times why a knee wall2 is the way to go and I still don't understand the reasoning. Stuff about making it easier to put in windows. Duh. I've seen windows in concrete walls. I know it can be done. Heck, they're putting a door in, why not a window? I shall have to ask the gods of house lifting again why a knee wall is the be-all-and-end-all. (Hey, that rhymes.)

And so here I sit. Waiting. Again. Like the prisoner of Zenda. [Sorry. Terrible analogy. I just like saying "prisoner of Zenda."]

The local library is open today from 12:30 to 4:30 and again from 6:00 to 8:00 tonight. I thought I joined the library last year but I didn't get a card. I hear now that I should have got one. Maybe it's time to take out my frustrations on the local librarian.

Over and out.

1The picture above shows some little fellows who came to visit the other day in the rain. They could have made a great meal for those so inclined.

2John saw a house in Cottrell's Cove the other day that has an area just below the roof line that is clad in fake brick siding. Did they run out of clapboard? Did they actually prefer this? Is this was a knee wall looks like?

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